Weavers of Kilbarchan Project The Weavers of Kilbarchan project aims to investigate the weavers of Kilbarchan Parish from the 17th Century through until the 1921 Census. In addition to the census information the project will also use contemporary 17th & 18th Century records such a Poll Tax, Hearth Tax and other Tax rolls to…
Ferguslie A brief history of the medieval estate to the 20th Century Ferguslie today is seen as a large housing scheme – totally unrecognisable from its medieval origins. The name Ferguslie is most likely derived from “the meadow of Fergus” but who was this Fergus? We will probably never know. The lands that comprise…
Paisley Canal Disaster 1810, list of those who died & survived On the 10th November 1810, 10 days afte the canal opened, the duchess of Eglington, skippered by Thomas Rhodes was returning from Johnstone with an excursion. _____ Awaiting the arrival of the boat from Johnstone, there was, in the forenoon, a large assemblage…
Dark Events at Bargarran in 1676 Today when the name Bargarran is mentioned, we always turn our mind to 1696 and the last mass witch hunt in Scotland that led to the execution of 7 people in Paisley on the 10th October 1697. But the events that unfolded there in 1696 were preceded by…