
  • Peter Burnet – “Black Peter”

    From the New Paisley Repository No.4 Saturday, January, 15th. 1853 SONG.      To the Air – ” CAPTAIN PATON.” Composed after reading the life of Peter Burnet, commonly known in Paisley by “BLACK PETER.” PETER BURNET was born on the estate of Thos. Todd, Esq. in the state of Virginia, in the year…

  • County Buildings & Jail

    County Buildings & Jail

    County Square, Paisley Paisley’s 19th century County Buildings & Jail, sat between county Square and the River White Cart. They replaced Paisley Tollbooth that sat at the corner of the High Street and Moss Street. In turn The County of Renfrew decided that their space in the buildings was too small and in 1887…

  • The “Newshot”, Fleming & Ferguson, Paisley 1943

    The “Newshot”, Fleming & Ferguson, Paisley 1943

    Today if you mention Paisley ship building to residents or visitors they are very surprised.  Paisley’s ship building heritage has a long history, from building canal boats at Saucel, to numerous ship yards on the White Cart. Fleming & Ferguson has its origins in 1885 when William Y Fleming bought over the Phoenix shipyard…

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