
  • Volunteer (TA) Drill Hall

    This hall, which is 100 feet long by 50 feet wide, is certainly more useful than ornamental. It is in contemplation, however, to provide a hall more commensurate with the importance of the objects to which it is dedicated. The entrance to the hall is flanked by two cannons, which were captured at Sebastopol.…

  • Fountain Gardens, Paisley

    Situated in Love Street, about ten minutes’ walk from the Cross, and form one of the most effective hugs of the town. Fountain Gardens were created grounds originally called Hope Temple Gardens. Hope Temple Gardens were developed by John Love in 1797. He created The Hope Temple Museum along with a bowling green. Love…

  •  Paisley and it’s Environs

    Hugh MacDonald 1854 (This Edition 1910) The town of Paisley is of considerable extent and importance, being the fifth in respect to magnitude in Scotland. In population it formerly ranked next to Glasgow and Edinburgh, but latterly it has been outstripped in the march of progression by Aberdeen and Dundee; the number of its…

  • The Bargarran Witchcraft Case 1696

    In the year 1696, the 11yr old daughter of John Shaw, the Laird of Bargarran, fell victim to one of the most well remembered cases of ‘demonic possession’ in Scottish History. It resulted in a large number of locals being implicated as her tormentors concluding with 7 people being put to death in Paisley…

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