John Stevenson & Sons
Have you ever walked down Weighhouse Close in Paisley and wondered what the old single story building and yard between the Private Car park and the Mrs Coats Home for Girls used to be?

After doing some investigation, i have realised that this and the associated buildings probably make up one of the last complete mid 19th Century industrial works in Paisley that are still in existence today.
The property is fronted on New Street by number 12 – now the ‘Gantry’ Restaurant and the former Pend which used to run through to the yard is now a body builders shop. This building was most likely the offices and outlet for for the works.

In the 1862 Trade Directory the occupier of the site is John Stevenson & Sons – Soap & Candle Makers. The owners lived at No. 37 on the corner of New Street/ Weighhouse close and is long gone..

To view the 1850’s OS Town Plan of the site – click the link The Candle works is marked on the map and you can clearly see the Pend shown as dotted lines running through the building at No 12 New Street.